Our Story

We R.U.L.E. was founded in 2018 by Dr. Carol Van Dyke and her niece Lauren Tate after candid conversations with each other about their personal experience from sexual abuse and their healing journey. After continued conversations, Dr. Carol and Lauren discussed how their trauma could help heal young women and We R.U.L.E. was born.

Sexual abuse, assault, and rape are very important issues that plague our young girls and boys in today’s society. It has been more prevalent with reference to many high profile legal cases and has helped put a spotlight on this serious public health issue. Unfortunately, many victims/ survivors remain silent due to feeling ashamed and embarrassed causing debilitating mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and substance abuse.

Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and anger can have a direct impact on a student’s academic achievements and can affect how they receive and process new information.

The National Alliance on Mental illness estimates that 1 in 5 people live with some sort or mental disorder or disease. More often than not people who have a mental condition don’t seek help until adulthood. 60% of high school students with a mental illness don’t graduate and there is a growing percentage of youth in the U.S. who live with major depression and anxiety, are  triggers for poor school performance, social isolation, absenteeism, cognitive impairment and can lead to possible suicide if treatment is not received by the student.




Awareness • Education • Prevention •